The Source
Hi, this is Keren, Irit’s daughter.
My mom passed peacefully on Saturday, May 8, 2021 at 9:17am.
She was comfortable and surrounded by love. She bravely faced death like a bad ass. Just the way she took on life.
She will always be my true source.
Thank you to all of her friends and family for your continued support. Everyone that visited here had a special place in Irit’s heart, and she loved reading your comments. Thank you to Bruce for being her true love & for taking care of her with all his heart.
What is grief other than love persevering?
Funeral details
May 10, 11:15 AM
Star of David - 7801 Bailey Rd, North Lauderdale, FL 33068. Gathering afterwards at our house located at - 8276 NW 8th Pl, Coral Springs, FL 33071
If you are unable to attend in person please join us virtually using the Zoom information below:
Meeting ID: 965 6607 2654
Passcode: 009498
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Meeting ID: 965 6607 2654
Passcode: 009498