
February 17, 2021 - Rainbow

I am about 16 years old and never been to a funeral. Death in our society is associated with much sadness and sorrow and my mother used to protect me from such experiences. My Grandfather Yosef passed, and this time Ima agreed to take me to the funeral. It was a traditional Jewish Ceremony, and I do not remember much from any of it. The memory that did stuck with me was walking slowly out of the cemetery, the gray sky opened up and a beautiful rainbow showed up with all its bright colors. My mother bent down to me, and said: “You see, everything is going to be ok…”.

We all want everything to be ok… Ima had little tolerance for pain, and she hated for me to be suffering over anything. She had big “pink” lens glasses, and everything was going to be ok. Since that event, rainbows are extra special to me.

Yesterday, while walking on the beach with Keren, there was a little rainbow in the sky, right in front of us. “everything is going to be ok,” to whispered to Keren in her ear.

For me, everything was very ok for long and beautiful 71 years. I have been so fortunate to never been sick, never been in a hospital, never been treated for anything. I am so grateful for that. On another hand, this is such a new experience in so many ways…


Exploring Pain


Living in the Present