Time and Patience
April 6, 2021
“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”
I do not know what Leo Tolstoy meant when he said that. I do know that right now, both patience and time got quite different meanings in my life than ever before. I remember the days when I had long “to do” lists, and I didn’t have enough time to finish everything I wanted. I remember not having patience for waiting at a doctor’s office or in line in the store or any other place. Now, time is plenty… there is nothing to do, nowhere to go and no one to be. At times, I just look at the ocean, the birds, the beautiful clouds, and I just be. Sometimes, I just look at the beautiful orchids and tulips in front of me, and I just enjoy. Time can go, I am not concerned, I look and enjoy. My kids or my brother come to visit, and I enjoy their presence. It’s more about the quality of the moment, rather than having time to get thing done.
Patience is required much of the day. Being dependent and in bed most of the time, I must ask for everything I need or want, then wait. I sit and wait, and yet, there is plenty of time. So I have patience, and I look at the flowers and admire them, and I am grateful for having such breathtaking flowers right here, in front of me. I wait and look at the ocean, and I am grateful for having this vast beauty in my window to look at. I am patient and grateful for having Bruce there, working on getting me anything I ask for (if he can find it…), while I am just sitting, with patience.
What an opportunity to discover new ways of being with both time and patience. What an interesting journey to be curious about new perspectives, I have never had access to! We go through life having time, for example, be a certain way for us, while time is a concept we can be with in many ways. Same with patience, I have never had much of it in certain situations, and never gave it much thought. I just knew I didn’t want to wait. Now I am discovering different ways of waiting, and that waiting can be a time for appreciation, looking withing, and being grateful.
Thank you for your time and patience, reading my blog. Thank you for taking the time to care, read, and respond. I love reading your comments.