Where is the Damn Key???

I am in a tiny little cell in a prison somewhere. I feel so confined and helpless. My whole being wants out, to the fresh air, to the sun, to running barefoot on the beach, to feeling free… A very young man stops by, his name is Mitch. I stop Mitch and beg him to find away to get me out of that dark, confining place. Mitch just looks at me and says with a gentle voice: “But you are the only one that has the key, use it!” I do not understand what he says. If I had the key, I would have run to freedom a long time ago… I wake up.

Although first perplexed and confused about the dream, as the day goes by I get the message. I am the only one that has the key to how my life goes. No other person has the power to control me. It is my perception that put me in prison, not reality or someone else…

This and many other dreams filled up my life about 18 years ago, before leaving Coral Spring. Back then my dreams gave me direction, insight, and deep understanding of my role in my own life, and the courage and direction to move on. I have not been dreaming lately, or rather, I do not remember any dreams. I have been asking for messages from higher consciousness, my soul, my father… and so far, it all has been quiet. Life has changed in one day, and I feel unequipped to handle the new reality. How am I supposed to be with this altered life? How am I supposed to completely surrender and be just responsible to do what needs to be done?

Where is the damn key???


Living in the Present


Perhaps Love