Choosing Life
March 7, 2021 Choosing life
I realize that for now, choosing life is also choosing cancer. If I choose to not resist it, then I choose to accept it. From accepting the worst, so much opens up. What opens up are myself stepping in not as a victim, rather, as the one responsible for all healing and getting well options. The feeling is very different. While in a victim role nothing much is available. From being in charge of my life everything opens up. I feel vibrant and hopeful. I can create a life that supports my enthusiasm.
From that place of taking charge, I booked a massage therapy session for Monday, and a coaching appointment on Tuesday. I am looking forward to creating space for a miracle to happen. A miracle of complete healing and joy. I have been reading a book called “the Journey” by Brandon Bays. Brandon healed herself completely. I have a friend, who refused chemotherapy completely and she is cancer free for three years now. There are endless examples of people who healed themselves. People do that all the time. And so can I!