March 27, 2021


Free to choose empowering perceptions. Free to find the gift, in any thought, feeling or situation. Free to choose faith over fear. Free to create life of my wildest dreams.”
— Irit Prize - February 2004
Photo Credit:  Roy Prize

Photo Credit: Roy Prize

I wrote this in 2004. All these years, it has been taped to the wall next to my desk. I have been reading it every now and then. When I remember. It is as true today as ever, although, I must say, lately it has been a “bit” more challenging to follow… and I do my best in every moment.

I chose to share this with you today, since Passover starts tonight, and Passover, to me, has a lot to do with Freedom. It is the time when the Hebrews left slavery in Egypt and moved into forty years of wondering in the desert so they can move from their slavery mentality to one of freedom. Reading the Hagadah, we are all supposed to not just read it as a story, rather, imagine we are those leaving Egypt and wondering in our own desert looking for where is that we are still stuck in limiting beliefs and where is that we can set out minds and spirit free so we can soar to whoever we can be without limitations.

For me, suddenly this is a minute-by-minute challenge. It seems like I am called to let go of something each minute of the day. It seems like each minute I am called to choose an empowering context to whatever is happening. Before I started my Landmark Forum, I was asked what it is I wanted to get out of the course. I wrote “freedom”. I wrote… and I had no idea. No idea Freedom can be so precious, as well as the depth of freedom one can get to. It has been a long journey. I have been walking in my own desert for the last forty years, still discovering Freedom.

Happy Passover to all of you who celebrate the holiday.

May we all find the Freedom to be all that we are called to be. It’s a long journey, and it is definitely worth it.

With so much love,



About Emotions


The Little Bird on the Rail